Category: mindfulness

  • A Different Kind of Breath

    I have been brought to my knees by a combination of virus, bacteria, ‘twitchy lungs’ and an aging immune system. I am humbled. I am also grateful. In the past week I have personally spoken and texted with my primary care physician several times, visited Urgent Care, received a stat chest x-ray, picked up prescriptions…

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  • Mindful Reflections on Unwanted Change

    Ten days have passed since the 2016 election and I’ve watched my reactions change into responses. Like half the country I am terribly disappointed and deeply troubled by the result. But I have to remember that the other half of the country is relieved and heartened by the result. This continues to be the lesson…

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  • Grateful for Mindfulness

    Yesterday was a long and busy day. I woke early, went to work in my psychotherapy practice where I met a new client, did my best to begin to get to know him and establish a therapeutic relationship and saw a few return appointments. I worked on last minute plans for a meeting of non-profit…

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  • Listening for the Quiet

    When was the last time you stopped and listened for the quiet? I mean, really listened. Last night I attended an outstanding concert. Glen Hansard, the Irish singer, guitarist and songwriter performed with his band for nearly three hours. The energy was high and the crowd was engaged, loud and active. And then suddenly in…

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  • The Hard Work of Mindfulness

    As I sat watching the Dallas Police Memorial Service on my computer this afternoon, I, like many, felt very sad as the people of the city of Dallas, the state of Texas, President Obama and others gathered together in an attempt to lead our country through our collective suffering. The loved ones of those killed…

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  • Finding Compassion

    Watching and listening to the news these days can be disheartening to say the least. The world is jarred again by a terrorist attack in Brussels, only eight months after the attack in Paris. And four months ago, in the United States we were reminded of our vulnerability in the unlikely small city of San…

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  • Paying Attention to the Groundhog

    Another Groundhog Day has come and gone, and once again we’ve been briefly entertained by the behavior of a large rodent. Surely, the rational mind knows that the groundhog doesn’t determine the change of seasons, and a quick glance at groundhogs’ performances over the decades demonstrate little prognostic relationship with the end of winter or…

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  • New Years Intentions

    Out with the old, in with the new. 2016 is upon us and so is the annual buzz about resolutions for the New Year. Resolutions about losing weight, exercising more, drinking less, spending time with friends. Sound familiar? New Year’s resolutions are really New Year’s goals, arrived at as a result of taking stock of…

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