Video and Audio Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness-Based Group Therapy for Geriatric Chronic Pain Management
Kathleen Doheny summarizes a study conducted by Mariko Foulk and colleagues at the University of Michigan.

Body Scan Meditation
With Mariko Foulk (17:59 minutes).

Compassionate Acceptance Meditation
With Mariko Foulk (13:54 minutes).

Compassion With Equanimity
With Paulette Grotrian (10:17 minutes).

Self-Compassion Break
With Paulette Grotrian (6:44 minutes).

It’s Important to be Kind to Ourselves at This Difficult Time
From “Art and Soul: The Art Of Well Being,” Mindfulness Radio Interview, 2020, with Libby Robinson (8:10 minutes).

What is Mindfulness and How Can it Make Your Life Better?
From “Art and Soul: The Art Of Well Being,” Mindfulness Radio Interview, with Libby Robinson and Claire Weiner (8:24 minutes).

An Introduction to Cultivating Mindfulness to Support Recovery
From 2018 with Libby Robinson (1 hour 23 minutes).

10-Minute Mindfulness of the Breath
With Libby Robinson (10:21 minutes).

20-Minute Mindfulness of the Breath
With Libby Robinson (17:59 minutes).