Apply for a Scholarship

Becoming a mindfulness teacher requires commitment and dedication. Most teacher training programs require a consistent meditation practice and participation in retreats before admission. Certification typically requires multiple teacher trainings, experience teaching, and mentorship. We are available to support all aspects of this demanding training if desired.

If you have a serious interest in teaching mindfulness, are cultivating a personal mindfulness practice, and are a social worker, educator, school personnel, psychologist, counselor, nurse, public health, other healthcare professional, yoga teacher, or community leader, we encourage you to apply when our next scholarship period opens.

The initial step is to determine which specific mindfulness teacher training program aligns with your interests and goals. Consider whether you prefer to teach a specific mindfulness-based intervention (e.g., MBSR, MBCT, or another MBI) or a more generalized mindfulness approach where you would develop your own curriculum.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for our newsletter or check back on our website to stay updated. With warm wishes for your happiness and well-being.

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